More and more often, the opinion is heard that respect is an echo of the past in today’s society. Behavior from the virtual space has spread to behavior in reality. Children are especially susceptible to this. However, respect is not insignificant. It is worth instilling respect in a child and teaching them about it. But how? How to build respect in children or how to gain respect from children? Keep reading!


Respect is politeness associated with an interest in the other person and their well-being. Everyone has their dignity and the right to decide for themselves. Even very young children have a sense of dignity. They suffer when they feel that their boundaries – physical, psychological, emotional, or sexual violence – are violated. The stigma from such violence can have lifelong consequences for the child.

A person who respects others and is respected is simply happier. They are surrounded by people who wish them well, and they wish others well. Therefore, they can rely on support in difficult moments of life. For a person, it is really important.



Malé dieťa vie, že je samostatnou bytosťou a zaslúži si rešpekt. Ak dôjde k narušeniu jeho dôstojnosti, vie komunikovať a brániť sa po svojom. Dieťa sa však nenarodí s vedomím, že aj ostatní majú svoj vlastný zmysel pre dôstojnosť. Dieťa sa učí svet pozorovaním a napodobňovaním svojho okolia. Ak dieťa v najbližšom okolí, v rodine vidí, že ľudia majú k sebe zlý vzťah, bude to napodobňovať.

Dieťa pozoruje svoje okolie, súrodencov, rodičov, starých rodičov, neskôr aj rovesníkov a iných ľudí okolo seba. Na tomto základe sa učí samo reagovať. Nie vždy má dieťa dobré vzory v každej fáze svojho života. Preto sa nie každé dieťa dokáže naučiť rešpektu prirodzene.

Úcta je však hodnota, ktorú si treba vážiť. Ak si dieťa v detstve nevybuduje úctu k druhým, nenaučí sa to automaticky ani v dospelosti. Potom sa situácia môže ešte viac sťažiť – zmeniť návyky, ktoré ste si vytvorili v detstve a dospievaní, je predsa len veľmi ťažké. Je ťažké zmeniť vzorce správania, ktoré ste považovali za správne, ktoré ste aplikovali a pozorovali vo svojom prostredí po väčšinu svojho života. Samozrejme je to možné. Prevencia je však oveľa lepšia ako liečba – preto stojí za to učiť dieťa rešpektu už od raného štádia života.


What is the opposite of respect? It is disrespect, and its consequences in today’s world should motivate parents to instill respect in their children. Disrespect is something that you can encounter every day, especially on the internet, which has become a significant part of people’s lives. Who hasn’t encountered offensive expressions, arguments, or just plain hatred at least once? Hate is an example of absolute disrespect.

Hate is not just limited to the virtual space. You can also encounter hatred at work, school, or any other place, regardless of who you are and what you do. Disrespect is the rejection of someone else’s decisions, ideas, or way of thinking.

What are some examples of disrespect?

Interrupting someone else’s speech Using inappropriate language Lack of hygiene Inappropriate outfit for the occasion Not keeping your word Being late Ignoring your partner Reading someone else’s correspondence Ignoring someone else’s needs Insults Using insulting nicknames Making insulting gestures towards other people

This is just the beginning of the list. Disrespect can be shown in various ways.

The key is to show respect to people not only during big, special events and occasions. Children need to be taught to show respect naturally and without being forced. It is not an easy task, but fortunately, everything can be learned, and children’s minds are very receptive.


Disrespect can have terrible consequences. If a child does not feel respected by their parents, siblings, and surroundings, they may suffer from a lack of love and unfulfilled need for security. Their self-confidence is at stake. If a child does not respect those closest to them, why would anyone outside the immediate family circle respect them?

A child whose decisions are questioned and embarrassed by their parents may become even more shy and closed off. They may stop sharing their ideas, stop sharing, and lose trust in their parents. Such people also tend to close themselves off in the future, making it very difficult to open up to other people.

A child who is not valued by others also feels the desire to repay in the same way. If it is not respected, why should it respect someone else? Such a child becomes self-centered and disregards the needs of others. They believe that everyone should only take care of themselves and that other people don’t matter. As a result, this can lead to violating social norms in contact with other people and further developmental disorders in the child, which can only worsen with age.


A child learns best by imitation. Therefore, to earn your child’s respect, you must respect them and the people around you. Your behavior sets the best example and reinforces positive thinking and behavior patterns in the child.

In addition to the above, how can you build respect in children or gain respect from a child? Let’s try to provide more specific examples. If you want your child to treat others with respect, always say “good morning” to them, be kind, helpful, but also assertive. Be able to express your opinion in a healthy way, without insulting or crossing other people’s boundaries.

It is worth teaching a child positive role models, setting a good example, and talking to them a lot. It is also necessary to explain to them that everyone deserves respect, everyone has their own dignity, and violating it is something very bad.

Sometimes this requires working on yourself and solving your own problems with other people. If you feel that in solving your own problems, you will not be able to set the best example, do not be afraid to seek help. In this case, professional psychotherapy can also help. Don’t be afraid to seek support from professionals. After all, it’s about you, your child, and the whole family.