How you doom yourself to eternal loneliness: 10 factors

If you dream of finding your “other half”, but have been alone for many years, it may seem that this is your destiny. However, most likely, the matter is not in fate, but in your actions, outlook on life or psychological attitudes. 1. DEPTH OF YOUR SOUL YOU DON’T WANT A RELATIONSHIP In fact, you […]

How to figure out what makes you happy: 4 simple steps

There doesn’t seem to be much room for joy in adulthood. But is that really the case? Could it be that we just stop realising what it is that brings us pleasure? This article from a CPT therapist will help you figure it out. DOES GROWING UP KILL PLEASURE? Do you remember how easy it […]

Extreme frankness: why some people turn their lives into a TV series

Almost all of us have met someone who is willing to talk about their life with excessive openness. What lies behind the need to open all the doors of private life to others and how can it be fraught for the storyteller? When we see reality TV characters on the screen or read unusually frank […]

Everything has its place: the rules of smart storage

If you’re trying to spruce up your home and the clutter is still there, know that you can get rid of it once and for all. If you think you can’t fit anything in the house – we assure you, there is room. If your kitchen, nursery or cloakroom looks more like a shop room, […]

6 tips for working with your Shadow on your own

Not every aspect of our personality has to be to our liking. Some of them we sometimes want to hide away. Why not to do this and how to make friends with your Shadow? There are a lot of different qualities in every person – positive and not so positive. Sometimes they complement each other, […]

What’s important to remember if you are a narcissist: 5 basic truths

Don’t worry, having narcissistic personality traits doesn’t mean you’re a bad person at all yet. Narcissism has been much talked about in the last few years, and as a result, many people find similar qualities in their character and get frustrated. You bet – narcissists are usually portrayed as selfish, narcissistic, callous, convinced of their […]

If you’ve been rejected: 7 tips for getting over it

The fear of being rejected in people with insecure attachment styles can be really strong. But it’s one thing to worry about the future, and quite another to experience a real breakup with a loved one that didn’t happen on your own initiative. Rejection is part of our lives. Michelle Maidenberg, an adjunct professor in […]

15 ways to deal with anger

You’ve been cut off on the road, a colleague didn’t say hello, your husband left dirty laundry on the bedroom floor – there are plenty of reasons for anger. How to behave in these moments, so that it does not destroy you and your life? PROBLEM Sometimes we think that feeling anger is a bad […]

When abandonment trauma occurs: 5 major factors

One keeps getting partners who leave after a while. Another lives with an unfaithful spouse whose cheating (for some reason) has to be looked past. A third can’t stop cutting the wires of an ex. What do these people have in common? Most likely, the trauma of abandonment. Where does it come from and how […]