Autism is diagnosed in an increasing number of children, but public awareness of this disorder remains relatively low. Few people know that timely therapy can alleviate many of the symptoms of autism and provide expert help to children in preschool.
Autistic child in preschool
For most children, being in preschool is an extraordinarily stressful experience in the first few days. The absence of parents, noise, and the need to spend half the day with unfamiliar children is a particularly difficult experience for children with autism. They can feel embarrassed or scared, for example, when their peers try to communicate with them.
Special educational needs of autistic children are related to the need to provide them with suitable conditions, so choosing a good preschool is so important. However, it is largely an individual matter – some children feel better in a group for autistic children, others feel comfortable in a regular integration institution.
Special Kindergarten
An increasingly popular choice among parents of children with autism are integration kindergartens that are attended by children with delayed development, as well as completely healthy children. The program of activities in such facilities includes special therapeutic hours. Great emphasis is placed on supporting psychomotor and emotional development and on helping to form speech. Integrated and therapeutic kindergartens also offer art circles, speech therapy, rhythmics, corrective gymnastics, dog therapy, or art therapy. Integration centers differ from other kindergartens in small groups of children and individual therapeutic programs for their charges.
Proper nutrition is crucial in the treatment of autism. Children with this disorder experience imbalances in bacterial balance in the digestive tract and digestive difficulties. When choosing a kindergarten for an autistic child, parents should pay attention to how the children’s menu is arranged. It should take into account food intolerances, allergies, and individual children’s needs.