Older and younger children grow up in different ways – and their lives are subsequently formed largely in accordance with the habits that they acquired in childhood. Psychologists believe that older daughters “get it” the most.

First-born children, of course, come in many forms. One appears in a family when both parents are young and don’t care too much about bringing up a child, leaving it to grandparents. The other is really long-awaited, which is cherished, cherished and pampered. The third, by virtue of his age receives an additional load of all his younger brothers and sisters – because parents are always busy.


1. Stress during pregnancy

By the way, the eldest daughter syndrome is a real concept in science. So, scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles studied the relationship between stress during pregnancy and the maturation of the firstborn. The article was published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Researchers measured stress levels in pregnant women at the 15th, 19th, 25th, 31st and 37th week, and then recorded puberty markers in children aged 8-10, 11-12 and 13-16. It turned out that due to the increased anxiety of the expectant mother, first-born girls then matured much faster. No similar effect was seen in firstborn boys, second and subsequent children.

2. Gender stereotypes

Of course, older children have enough stress later in life, notes psychotherapist Natalie Moore, especially if there are many children in the family. Girls do have to become independent much earlier, learn many useful skills to help parents with younger children.

It is believed that girls are more vulnerable because of gender stereotypes: they are always demanded more from them than from boys

After all, a daughter is a future mistress/mother/wife, mum’s helper… No wonder that girls often suffer from eternal dissatisfaction with themselves, trying to be good and comfortable for everyone, striving to be perfect in everything.


1. Hyper-responsibility

First-born girls tend to carry a sense of hyper-responsibility for the family for the rest of their lives, believing that they must take care of all family members, helping them with money and in every way they can.

2. Perfectionism

They will be perfectionists in other areas too – taking on too much in relationships, friendships, and work. As a result, women suffer from burnout and eternal fatigue, do not know how to enjoy the little things and rarely feel happy.


By the way, in the role of an older sister, women can be quite comfortable – they are simply accustomed to taking care of others and enjoy it. However, it is important to remember that there are boundaries – both yours and others’: